Ausgangssituation Optimale Nutzung von erneuerbarer Energie in der Industrie stellt große Herausforderungen an die Flexibilität der Produktion Fluktuierende Energieversorgung sowie […]
OptDeslag – Improved deslagging and slag conditioning
Initial situation:
- Performance of many metallurgical operations is significantly influenced by the condition of the slag
- Therefore in some cases the slag has to be removed as far as possible
- When the deslagging process is overdone, liquid steel from the liquid bulk may also be removed, which contributes significantly to losses of steel
Working topics:
- Monitoring of deslagging operations using CCD and IR cameras
- Development of dynamic online process models
- Sampling and analysis for verification
- Reproducible performance of the deslagging process
- Online determination of the amount of remaining slag
- Minimise amount of remaining slag before entering secondary metallurgy
- Predict impact of remaining slag on metallurgical operations
- Calculate set-points for slag conditioning