Dieses Projekt zielt darauf ab, die Schlackenverwertung aus dem Elektrostahlherstellungsprozess durch eine verbesserte Schlackenaufbereitung und die Erforschung neuer Recyclingwege zu […]
TotOptLis – Through-process optimisation of liquid steelmaking
Initial situation:
- Process control in secondary metallurgy is based on static operating instructions and manual interventions, taking into account measurements and model calculations at individual treatment stations.
- Target values for single treatment steps do not ensure optimal overall process operation.
Working topics:
- Development of through-process dynamic models for observation and prediction of steel temperature and steel quality parameters (esp. regarding desulphurisation, degassing, slag conditions).
- Development of multi-criteria optimisation tools based on operating instructions defined in a manufacturing execution system (MES) coupled to dynamic model prediction calculations.
- Optimal adoption of countermeasures when deviations from standard treatment practices regarding quality relevant process parameters occur.
- Unified cost-effective and resource saving process operation, taking into account the whole chain of treatment steps.