2nd project meeting DissHeat
On October 19 and 20, 2022, the 2nd project meeting for the RFCS project “Valor-isation and dissemination of the heating technology findings from emission minimi-zation, energy savings and process optimization towards todays fossil free heating agenda” (DissHeat) took place at CRM in Ghent (Belgium). In addition to CRM and BFI, the international consortium also includes Swerim and RINA CSM. The aim of the project is to analyze projects on “low CO2” heating (H2, biogas, electric heating and all related technologies), to evaluate the contributions and results of the last 20 years and to identify research gaps and establish a roadmap to synchronize the work in the field of “low CO2 heating of thermal furnaces in order to align the industrial and research activities with the new EU Green Deal”. The meeting was combined with a tour of CRM’s test facilities.