Initial situation The iron and steel industry is one of the most energy intensive sectors EU Commissions Low Carbon Roadmap […]
Initial situation
The evolution of secondary steelmaking processes and its introduction to the steelmaking plants brought about the effective production of high quality steel grades. Today’s importance of secondary steelmaking processes in Europe is also reflected in the research activities in this technological area. Within the framework of the ECSC and RFCS steel research programme, in the last 20 years around 50 projects with the focus on secondary metallurgy have been funded. The projects aimed at improving process performance in terms of resource consumption and liquid steel quality optimisation. Within these projects, numerous measurement technologies, process models and online control approaches were developed.
Because of the large variety of subjects, distributed along the different projects performed throughout the years and shared among many research and industrial partners, the situation today regarding the knowledge and results gained in these projects can be summarised as follows:
- The impact of the results of the completed European projects on the industrial practice is much less than potentially achievable.
- The various researches followed different, sometimes diverging development lines, with poor synergy and occasionally contradictory objectives.
- Today there is no clear indication of the most useful future developments and consequently also the requirements for future research activities.
Work programme of the project
The following activities will be performed within the dissemination project:
- Critical analysis and review of past ECSC and RFCS projects on Secondary Metallurgy technologies
- Seminars with oral presentations of selected results on dedicated topics.
- Webinars with demonstrations of successful applications in the field of measurement and automation technologies.
- A workshop for information exchange and open discussion, especially with regard to identification of future developments and definition of a road map.
Below the schedule for the dissemination activities:
Objectives and expected results
The objective of the dissemination project is to valorise, distribute and promote the exploitation of the most important results of European research projects on Secondary Metallurgy Technology. Also a roadmap for future research activities and priorities shall be prepared and communicated. These general objectives can be broken down as follows:
- To promote the dissemination of the gained knowledge and the introduced technological solutions in Secondary Metallurgy.
- To identify most promising and most useful emerging development lines and to encourage the use of best results and innovative solutions in European steel plants.
- To identify future developments and priorities for research activities, to produce a clear and realistic picture of the future trends to be expected in Secondary Metallurgy technology.
- To provide a clear road map for the technological developments in this field.
Industrial benefits for the steelmaking plants are expected regarding:
- The application of new measurement systems for liquid steel properties (temperature, composition and cleanness), allowing to control these quality relevant parameters within tighter ranges and thus to improve the overall quality of the final steel product.
- The application of intelligent (e.g. model-based) process control, allowing to increase energy and material efficiency as well as to reduce the environmental impact.
- Innovations to improve the quality and reuse of steelmaking by-products (e.g. slags) to enhance the saleability of these by-products for the entire sector.
Survey for Road Map definition
On 16th of November 2017 a final workshop “Road map for future secondary metallurgy technology” was held.
In this workshop, the most important evaluation results regarding the “State of the art in secondary metallurgy technology” to five main subjects were presented and discussed with experts from different fields like steel plants, and plant engineering.
As one result of the workshop a questionnaire was set up, to assess the importance of tendencies of the main subjects as evaluated during the DissTec project.
You can access and fill the questionnaire under the web site
Together with a short introduction to the DissTec project, there are lists of relevant topics, in which you can directly select your scoring regarding the relevance of these topics. Furthermore, you may also add further topics to the list or add individual comments to each topic.
The questionnaire can be filled directly via the web site. It will take about 5-10 minutes. Your contribution will automatically be returned to the DissTec team in an anonymous way.
We would appreciate if you fill the questionnaire until the 31st of January 2018. The results will then be used to set up the Road Map, which will be made accessible to all interested persons via the project web site.
In advance, we like to thank you very much for your participation!
The DissTec team
The DissTec List of ECSC and RFCS projects to be evaluated can be downloaded here, or as Excel data base with filter functions.
In this area also the invitations to the different dissemination events (seminars, webinars, workshop) will be made available for download.
After performance of the events, the presentations will be available for download.
Invitations to the different dissemination events (seminars, webinars, workshop) available for download.
DissTec Seminar 1 170427 – Computer simulation SecMet Safavi Nick_SWEREA.pdf
DissTec Seminar 1 170427 – Designing of operating practices – Cirilli_CSM.pdf
DissTec Seminar 1 170427 – Dynamic Process Models Kleimt_BFI.pdf
DissTec Seminar 1 170427 – Industrial Feedback Tundish metallurgy – DeSantis_CSM.pdf
DissTec Seminar 1 170427 – Introduction DeSantis_CSM.pdf
DissTec Seminar 1 170427 – Models for inclusion control – Cirilli_CSM.pdf
DissTec Seminar 1 170427 – Process modelling in RFCS projects Mapelli_AIB.pdf
DissTec Seminar 1 170427 – RFCS Support.pdf
DissTec_Seminar_2_Auxiliary materials_Stockholm
DissTec Seminar 2 170522 Applied process metallurgy Joensson KTH.pdf
DissTec Seminar 2 170522 Grain size control Janis Outokumpu.pdf
DissTec Seminar 2 170522 Introduction Nick MEFOS.pdf
DissTec Seminar 2 170522 Purging plugs monitoring of gas stirring Palm BFI.pdf
DissTec Seminar 2 170522 Slag systems Nzotta Uddeholms.pdf
DissTec Seminar 2 170522 VOD and AOD refining Ersson KTH.pdf
DissTec Seminar 2 170523 Characteristaion ladle stirring Alexis MEFOS.pdf
DissTec Seminar 2 170523 Deslagging Bjoerkvall MEFOS.pdf
DissTec Seminar 2 170523 Ladle life and thermal state Palm BFI.pdf
DissTec Seminar 2 170523 Refratories in SecMet Bjoerkvall MEFOS.pdf
DissTec Seminar 3 Measurement technology – ESTAD 2017 Vienna
DissTec Seminar 3 170629 Fast analysis of slag chemistry Pierret CRM.pdf
DissTec Seminar 3 170629 Measurement technologies in ESCS and RFCS research projects Kordel BFI.pdf
DissTec Seminar 3 170629 Online measurement of dissolved gasses in secondary metallurgy Wisniewski Minkon.pdf
DissTec Seminar 3 170629 On-line Measurement of Steel Cleanness using Rapid Inclusion Characterisation Techniques Millman MPI.pdf
DissTec Seminar 3 170629 Project Overview Kleimt BFI.pdf
DissTec Seminar 3 170629 Temperture measurement in secondary steelmaking Lamp Minkon.pdf
DissTec Seminar 4 Clean Steel in SecMet 2017 London
DissTec Seminar 4 Cleanness assessment of high quality steels produced by RH treatment Pierret CRM
DissTec Seminar 4 CLEANSTEEL 10 Tardy MVAE
DissTec-Seminar-4 Development of cleaner steel utilising mathematical modelling
DissTec Seminar 4 European funded projects – a tool to support steelmaking customers in problem solving Cirilli RINA
DissTec Seminar 4 Impact of inclusions formed in steelmaking operations on flow control in continuous casting Cirilli RINA
DissTec Seminar 4 Inclusion Control Through Secondary Steelmaking and Tundish Jemson MPI
DissTec Seminar 4 Metnet – Pilot plant Network Scholes MPI
DissTec Seminar 4 Overview on DissTec project Millman MPI
DissTec Seminar 4 RFCS Impact on EU Steelmaking Dunsmore Swansea University
DissTec Webinar on Process control in Secondary Metallurgy 181017
DissTec Webinar BFI model-based process control for secondary steelmaking
DissTec Webinar Presentation of UTCAS process control 2017-10-18 by UHT – Kristina Beskow
Disstec Webinar PSI metals
DissTec Workshop Secondary Metallurgy technonolgy – 171116
DissTec Workshop 171116 Process models CSM Miceli
DissTec Workshop 171116 Process Control BFI Kleimt
DissTec Workshop 171116 Measurement systems BFI Kordel
DissTec Workshop 171116 Introduction BFI Kleimt
DissTec Workshop 171116 Future for Clean Steel Research MPI Millman
DissTec Workshop 171116 Clean Steel MPI Millman
DissTec Workshop 171116 Auxiliaries MEFOS Björkvall
Measurement technologies in Secondary Metallurgy Webinar with demonstration of industrial solutions
DissTec Webinar Measurement techniques AGELLIS_Presentation
DissTec Webinar Measurement techniques BFI_Presentation
DissTec Webinar Liquid steel temperature measurement Minkon
Further information and Links:
PSI Software Excellence in Metals