Background In the future, hydrogen will be an important building block for achieving the climate targets in Europe A hydrogen […]

H2Stahl – Hydrogen technologies for a successive decarbonisation of the steel industry
The objective of the project H2Stahl coordinated by BFI is a far-reaching conversion of the steel industry to hydrogen technologies. This should reduce CO2-emissions in Duisburg, Europe’s largest steel location, and make a significant contribution to climate protection.
Over the five years of the project, the project partners intend to use hydrogen in the production of pig iron in industrial blast furnaces. Carbon will be partially replaced as a reducing agent, so that in the medium term a CO2-mitigation of around 20% is expected at the blast furnace. To ensure that sufficient hydrogen is available, an on-site pipeline infrastructure is being built as part of the project.
In parallel, the H2Stahl team will demonstrate direct reduction. The use of hydrogen-rich gases as well as iron oxide-containing feedstocks in direct reduction will be researched in a pilot plant. The BFI will be the operator of this direct reduction plant and will be mainly responsible for the associated research work.
More information on H2Stahl and a detailed project portrait can be found here.
Project manager: Dipl.-Ing. Michael Hensmann Mail: Tel: +49 211/98492-206
Deputy project manager: M.Sc. Theresa Overbeck Tel.: +49 211 98492-212