Schematic diagram of a digital twin and its functionalities and internal communication

PROTEUS-RS – Long Product Quality Optimisation through Enhancement and Utilisation of Residual Stress minimising Process Strategies


  • During rolling, straightening and thermal processing of long products internal stresses arise impairing the products material properties and causing material distortion due to stress relief mechanisms. The characteristics of those effects are still associated with a high degree of uncertainty.


  • Definition of an improved process strategy and control using predictive variables.
  • Development of a hybrid process model comprising improved physical process models and data-based statistical models.
  • Implementation of a digital twin of the rolled long products.
  • Development of soft-sensors for an improved process control.

Operational benefit:

  • Thus PROTEUS-RS will allow a highly reliable and well documented processing of precise long products (perfect shape, contour accuracy, straightness), reducing scrap, production downtimes and failures and customer complaints.

PROTEUS-RS will enhance existing production mills to handle new innovative steel grades and to face the challenging demands of the customers regarding high precision steel grades. This will secure the technological leadership of European steel industry.



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