Initial situation Process related intake of scale, formation of hardness and salting (rolling mill cooling water) or metals in pickling […]

ReduWearGuid – Reduction of wear on guiding components in hot rolling finishing and coiling line for improved service life time and product surface quality
- The main requirements of wear components in hot strip mills are high resistance against:
- abrasive wear to increase lifetime,
- thermal impact to decrease wear,
- corrosion and adhesion to decrease wear.
- Only a few studies have been performed to investigate deeply the guiding components in hot strip mills.
- State-of-the-Art of wear on guiding components used in hot flat rolling
- Modelling and simulation of guiding components
- Development of a new type of lubricant/ coating and new wear resistant ceramic materials
- Trial performance in lab and pilot scale
- First industrial implementation and verification of pilot results
Operational benefit:
- Increased life time and performance of guiding components
- Increased reliability and safety
- Decreased surface defects on the strip (surface and edges)
Reduction of production costs und downtimes