The objective of the project, which is funded by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and started in December 2022, is […]
VEIK – Improvement of heat treatment and heating in industrial furnaces by new innovative ceramic hot gas fans
- Background
- Usage of metallic fans in thermoprocessing plants is limited to approx. 600…800°C.
- Two types of furnaces are necessary for heat treatment, one for temperature values up to 800°C and one for above 800°C
- In the case of stacked goods in the funace, locally strongly varying heating at over 800°C
- Objectives
- Development of a ceramic fan for high temperature region
- Targeted circulation of oxidising atmospheres in thermoprocessing plants at temperatures of 400°C up to 1.200 °C
- Lowering of fossil fuel demand and CO2 emission
- Innovative content
- Development of a SiC fan impeller by additive manufacturing
- Construction of a fan for circulation up to 1,200°C
- Potential benefits for the industry
- Lowering process time for heating and heat treatment processes and thereby lowering of CO2 emissions
- Reduction in the number of necessary thermoprocessing plants by more flexible usage of individual plant
- Improvement of product quality by more homogenous heating
Funding: German Federal Ministry of Education and Climate Protection (The joint project is a research project under the 7th Energy Research Program).
Term: 01.12.2017 – 30.06.2023