Electric Arc Furnace at Georgsmarienhütte

PlantTemp – Plant wide control of steel bath temperature

Initial Situation

  • The aim of steel bath temperature control is to prepare the melt such that it meets the target temperature at casting.
  • In electric arc furnace and ladle furnace steel melt is superheated, to built up a temperature buffer.
  • During subsequent treatment steps such as vacuum degassing, fine alloying, and soft stirring the excess temperature buffer is reduced.
  • The operator has to balance energy input with the expected dynamic energy losses based on his experience.

Working topics

  • A current spot measurement procedure of steel melt temperature is assessed by continuous fibre optical temperature measurements during case studies.
  • A dynamic process model is applied for through process temperature control.
  • An operator advisory system is implemented for optimized through-process temperature monitoring and control.
  • The advisory system gives operational advice regarding appropriate measurement procedures and optimises control set-points for the operation during the remaining treatment time.


  • Supporting the operator in through-process temperature control
  • Improved accuracy in meeting the target casting temperature
  • Optimised resource efficiency with reduced electric energy consumption
  • Less variation of casting speed, improved surface quality

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