We are proud to announce a groundbreaking strategic partnership between VDEh-Betriebsforschungsinstitut GmbH (BFI) and DSD Automation GmbH in Trier in […]
We are proud to announce a groundbreaking strategic partnership between VDEh-Betriebsforschungsinstitut GmbH (BFI) and DSD Automation GmbH in Trier in […]
The kick-off meeting for the RFCS research project SUNSHINE (SUstainable New casting and rolling process monitoring/sensoring approach aimed at proper […]
The first periodic report meeting for the TransZeroWaste project took place on 11. and 12. of September 2024 at CEINNMAT […]
Material efficiency and recycling of solid and liquid resources as well as residual and valuable materials are the basis for sustainable development in Europe. We work together with you to develop economical solutions for your business.
The reduction of energy requirements and emissions, such as CO2, are important political climate issues that we want to achieve together with the process industry and plant engineering through new solutions.
The transfer of the concepts of industry 4.0 into the operational practice of the process industry is a concern for us. Innovative measuring and testing technology forms the basis in many areas.
We open up optimization potentials for operational individual processes and process chains and focus on resource efficiency, quality, productivity, profitability and environmental aspects.
We offer innovative ideas based on cutting-edge research which are translated into customized, operational solutions for the process industry. We see ourselves as a dynamic, customer-oriented and innovative partner for forward-looking innovative companies.
We strive for partnerships and projects in the following four fields which are of strategic importance for the BFI:
(1) Decarbonization and energy efficiency,
(2) Digitalization, Industry 4.0 and measurement technology,
(3) Circular economy,
(4) Process innovation and process optimization
Your goals: Under operating conditions (furnace atmosphere, temperature, times) Determination of scale constants Determination of decarburization tendency Selection of suitable […]
Goals: Cost-effective inventory and assessment of existing plants with regard to dust emissions and the efficiency of dedusting Proposal and […]
Goals: Monitoring and optimum control of ladle stirring in secondary metallurgy Information on the amount of stirring gas actually available […]
Your goals: Determination of the gap and position of the dead man Determination of filling level in the baking rack […]
Initial situation: Industries involve a huge amount of energy demand. A considerable amount of this energy is lost and escapes […]
Situation: Frequent malfunction in the case of sliding contacts in the boundary friction regime for discontinuous movements and high loads. […]
Background The German government aims to reduce the GHG emissions in Germany by at least 55% by 2030 and to […]
Situation: The company Adient produces seat rails (by forming and punching of steel sheet) with an annual production of approx. […]
Initial situation DSS developed during DECFLAQ project is successful running since 2007 at ThyssenKrupp Rasselstein Operators are supported to check […]