

The kick-off-meeting for the RFCS project “Green Steel for Europe” (GREENSTEEL) took place on 16th of January 2020 at premises of the coordinator Centre For European Policy Studies (CEPS) in Brussels. Further project partners besides CEPS and BFI are The European Steel Technology Platform (ESTEP), Rina Consulting – Centro Sviluppo Materiali SPA (CSM), K1-MET GmbH, Fundacion Idonial, Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – Instytut Metalurgii Zelaza im. Stanislawa Staszica (ŁIMZ), Association Europeenne De L’acier (EUROFER), Swerim AB, Centre De Recherches Métallurgiques ASBL (CRM).

“Green Steel for Europe” supports the EU towards achieving the 2030 climate and energy targets and the 2050 long-term strategy for a climate neutral Europe, with effective solutions for clean steelmaking. “Green Steel for Europe” will achieve its objectives thanks to the combined efforts of the consortium partners in four areas: (i) developing a technology roadmap and defining mid- and long-term pathways for the decarbonisation of the EU steel industry; (ii) identifying public and private funding opportunities and proposing blending and sequencing options to maximise their impacts; (iii) assessing the economic, social, environmental and industrial leadership impacts of EU-level policy options; and (iv) ensuring the dissemination of the project results and engagement of relevant EU stakeholders. The project is funded by the Research Fund for Coal and Steel of the European Union (RFCS-Grant Agreement No. 882151).